The Only Book Review Templates You’ll Need for Your Book!

Professionally crafted standard templates to ease readability and enhance book presentation.


Writing Review Samples

The ghostwriters at Mcmillan Book Publishers are all-rounders in writing domains. If you’re looking for book reviews, our ghostwriters are here to get the job done professionally and at budget-friendly prices. You get a number of formats and templates to choose from before we proceed to the review writing phase. We understand that book review writing might sound intimidating, and many clients have previously searched for 'how to write a book review example,' but why to take stress when we’re here to get the job done!

Non-Fiction Book Review

It’s not a secret that a vast majority of readers are avid fans of nonfiction books. They enjoy reading fantasy and thriller books. Our specialized ghostwriters at Mcmillan Book Publishers can also write reviews for nonfiction books for you. Our reviews are fun to read, and our writers keep them civil and friendly. Moreover, we are open to any changes the client wants, as our priority is to content you with the work.

Book Bestsellers

Got an Idea for a Plot?

Exclusive Book Reviews and Book Review Templates!

The same monotonous style of templates and book review writing style can bore the readers. In order to make sure your reviews don’t face such an issue, our ghostwriters ensure that we have an updated range of book review templates and that the written reviews are engaging and different. What makes us stand out is that our reviews and templates are unique and, most importantly, delivered on time. We also have a policy of unlimited revisions, which the client can make, and our prices are nothing less than a steal deal!

How to write a book review template is a task our clients are often confused about, but our team is here to assist and make this job easy for them. We follow a set format standard and make the reviews pleasant and reader-friendly. The genre of the book does not matter because our team is skilled and diverse to cater to any genre easily and do a fantastic job at it. These are not just statements; our work speaks for itself, and our clients are welcome to go through the samples before hiring us for any service. Getting a review template written is now at your fingertips!

Even though real estate ghostwriters and business and science ghostwriters are less in this field because of the tricky genres they have to write, we are proud to say that our team consists of the best you could find. We ensure that our business books are not just engaging and catchy, so the readers do not lose interest but also have ample tips and tricks and are full of knowledge.

  • Paid Promotions
  • Non-Fiction Writing
  • Editing Services
  • Marketing Services
  • Fiction Writing
  • Self-published Book Marketing
  • Books Promotion
  • Book Layout Designing

Step by Step to How the Mcmillan Book Publishers Work

Mcmillan Book Publishers aims to provide clients with interesting and original writing solutions for their books. Serious readers may be drawn in by the book covers. The title page of a book speaks volumes about the content inside. Our team uses imaginative designs and color schemes to preserve the book's originality for the novel title covers while producing its content.


How We Assign Ghostwriters for Your Project.

Clients' hunt for expert ghostwriting services is the first step; we construct a pedestal bridge for our clients so that their search is made easier, and we assign ghostwriters to each subject with the necessary skills and knowledge for the specific project they will be working on. As a result, once our customer has a team of skilled individuals who are knowledgeable in their subject, the likelihood of their project succeeding dramatically increases, and that’s what we do.


Detail Analysis
On The Project.

The following step entails gathering information about the client's project, and if it's a book, each chapter serves as a field for sowing fresh concepts in line with the client's goals. The storylines are then created following the genre that the clients have further specified to the ghost book writers. Then, we pay close attention to how the client wants to portray the characters and how our team develops them.



Our writers will wait for your approval before making any modifications in book writing when we send you a chapter for review because helping you achieve your goals is our top priority; we will let you explain your adjustments in accordance with your needs. When you submit changes, we either incorporate them into your book as is or revise them to offer you even better alternatives.


Editing and Checking
for Errors.

Since our work ethics are more strongly based on the principles of respecting the time, effort, and money that have been invested in the project, we pay close attention to the entire written text during this second to last crucial step to ensure that no errors are remaining, not even the tiniest punctuation issues. We give hours of effort to prepare non-plagiarized original content.



Once all the client's requirements and considerations have been satisfied, the final document will be delivered in the required formats to the client. After working tirelessly on the project for many hours each day and night, this is the point when we can finally exhale with a sigh of pleasure and enjoy seeing our client's smile of satisfaction.



We believe customer feedback makes or breaks a business; as a full-time ghostwriting agency, Our work is a ritual for us, and whenever we have the chance to work on a project for a customer, we aim to please them. We feed our creativity by receiving lovely feedback from our satisfied clients, who give us the confidence to always do our best.


Let us make your book a bestseller through stunning reviews!

Mcmillan Book Publishers and Our Genres

Children's Books

Our Mcmillan Book Publishers are known to add magic to your books for children. Our creative team focuses on easy-to-grasp words for the children.

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Memoir & Autobiography

Mcmillan Book Publishers are not only good writers but also excellent interviewers. We have the skills to give words to our emotions and feelings, exploring the ideas from our point of view.

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Self-Help Books

Suppose you dream of owning a self-help book. In that case, the team of qualified ghostwriters is capable enough of captivating stories for a self-help book with their years of experience.

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Business Books

Writing a professional and thoughtful book is something most people find hard to hit the bull’s eye with. Nevertheless, if you plan to turn your ideas into a book, the top writers...

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Mcmillan Book Publishers have an incredible linguistic ability to describe and explain events perfectly. We can paint a clear and imaginative picture with their exceptional words.

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At times, wish we could share many things with the world, but then our words fail us. But the good part is you can count on our professional fiction ghostwriters to turn your ideas into stories...

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Sci-Fi Novels

Is writing a space opera something you have always wanted to do? Are you considering writing a book but cannot articulate your ideas clearly? Don’t worry!...

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Women Fiction

In addition to many other genres, women’s fiction is a genre that is explicitly aimed at female readers. In all the books, our writers describe the character's progress and experience as a woman in society.

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Reasons To Hire Us

Project Brief & Outline.

When our skilled ghostwriters receive the relevant project briefs from our customers, i.e., your genre, book publishing deadlines, writing goals, etc. After gathering the required project briefs and comprehending the specified strategies, we begin our in-depth research regarding your topic. Therefore, we employ a ghostwriter to produce the content because we are a reputable ghostwriting agency and ensure a stress-free process; then, we share the outline with clients for their feedback for further development through our ghostwriting services.

Initial Draft: A Prototype.

Once the client approves the outline, we start writing the book with endless productivity. You are then requested to examine it because we will keep you in the loop with each update, and if you have any revisions to suggest, our writers will happily make changes as per your needs.

Proofreading & Editing Process.

The editor for the manuscript is tasked with revising the material and proofreading the book till it is completely error-free. We solicit clients’ feedback and revise the work until they are happy with the final product.

Designing & Formatting.

We then move on to designing and formatting your material; once the manuscript has been formatted and designed per the requirements of the publishing platform, our experienced team will hand over the final outcome to the client.

Final Stage.

Our ghosted authors produce a book according to your specifications and include all relevant information in the final product. Your book may become well-known among the intended audience because that’s our purpose, and we want the hard-worked content to reach the heights it deserves, as we also provide a thoroughly perfected strategy to make this happen.

As Featured In

Book Review Format!

All About Business Books and Business Ghostwriters

It may seem simple but writing a book review format that readers take seriously has a proper format that needs to be followed. The text can not be vaguely written and needs to make sense. It should be authentic and interesting as well. Our ghostwriters ensure that the readers have a clear picture of the book after reading the review. To have a clear understanding of the book review, a template is used. The book review begins with an introductory paragraph explaining the book's plot without giving too many details. Then comes the opinion of the writer that is always fair. Excessive criticism, comparison, and plagiarism are not tolerated at our agency. The writer proceeds by giving a critical analysis and can even provide a rating accordingly.

We know how writing a book review template can be very challenging, so our team of experienced and trained template makers is here to make this task easier. The responsibility of choosing the best review template is on our team. We select the template according to what we feel is the best match, or the client can give us a review template we can follow. Writing professional book review templates is what our team excels at, and we ensure satisfactory results. We aim to satisfy the clients with our work thoroughly. Excellent work at minimal charges is the rule we follow!

Moreover, a polite tone emphasizing correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling is essential. If you want an idea of a critical book review template and a book critique, there are examples available on our website. After completion, the book review example is shown to the client, and if they want changes, they are immediately made according to their liking. A critical review example of a book can be of any genre, fiction, nonfiction, sci-fiction novel, etc.


We are here with our range of options for your book review templates!

What to Expect From Our Business Ghostwriters?

Our business ghostwriters are skilled at what they do. Professional, cooperative, and punctual with deadlines.

Book Reviews Example; Our website has around 500+ book review examples from which you can choose. Each review is written authentically and keeps the readers engrossed throughout. We are a team that wants to make our clients proud and content with our work!

Sample Book Review; Our writers review bestseller books, and those reviews are available for anyone to read. A book from each genre is reviewed so the readers can understand how professionally and uniquely the work is done. We are constantly expanding our services so we can easily help more clients.

Literature Review Example and Sample Literature Review Writing; A book review for a book that belongs to the literary genre is among the top three complex writing reviews. This genre is more challenging, lengthy, and requires more attention. Luckily our ghostwriters have the skill and training to write such reviews effortlessly. The writers first choose a template and then begin writing. We ensure that each review is excellently written and details are provided without revealing the entire storyline. The previously written samples are available on our website so the clients can read them beforehand for an idea.

Book Report Examples; Not just the literary genre, our writers are open to writing a book report, and the examples are displayed clearly on our website. We want to give our clients a range of options so they do not feel limited and can avail of our services to the fullest.

Shane Brooks

Everything was flawless, as always, I didn't require a free sample as a regular client because I always received excellent service. Jefferson's editing and summary were crucial since he poured his heart and soul into it to improve and localize my script.

Harry Jim

The ghostwriting service from Mcmillan Book Publishers was outstanding, the turnaround times were fast, and the best-ghostwriting service I could ever get. The communication process was smooth, and the result was admirable. There is no doubt in my mind that ghostwriters are professionals. I highly recommend them!

Anne Holland

A recommendation from a friend prompted me to try the ghostwriting company led by Mcmillan Book Publishers. As a customer, I am delighted with the service. My order was processed quickly and at a reasonable price. In addition, the book writing service is outstanding.

Luke Martin

Ghostwriting solution is efficient, swift, and knows how to come up with excellent well-tailored work. They provided me with an amazing level of comfort and delivered exactly what I was expecting. I Will hit up on you guys again!

Trey Parker

Mcmillan Book Publishers is a great ghostwriting company! From the attitude of their professional sales person to the way they adhere to their policies, everything depicts their level of professionalism. The content of my book sounds so engaging and tends to entice the reader. I would surely be back again.

Julie Kirton

Mcmillan Book Publishers made my dream of becoming one of the top-rated published author come true. They are top professionals with a lot of creative ideas and took care of everything from finalizing the plot to designing and publishing. They revised the draft a few times till I was 100% satisfied

Kenny Mills

It has been an amazing time working with Mcmillan Book Publishers. Truly dedicated services and uncanny approaches. My book got rated as the best seller in the local market for a month-long time. Thank you so much.

Emma Tillmon

Remarkable services! They dedicated their best ghostwriter right at the moment when I placed my order. She kept me well informed and I’m hugely impressed by their level of professionalism. They even helped me design the book cover which was phenomenal! Kudos!

Examples of Book Reviews

Why not share your book with readers across the globe? After the client approaches us, our writers guide them thoroughly and patiently throughout the process. The ghostwriters provide the clients with a few examples of the book reviews so they can have a brief idea of how the work will look when it's done. Furthermore, various book review templates are also shown to the client so they can pick one according to what they find the most appealing. Our book review templates are updated weekly, as are the book review samples. Our objective is to provide the finest work to our clients at reasonable rates. There is no compromise on quality and punctuality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Reach Out To Us For Any Assistance

Ghostwriting is a process in which an author writes a book for a client but does not claim his rights to the book; instead, the book is published with the client's name.

Yes, the Mcmillan Book Publishers will proofread and edit the books after completion

The professional ghostwriter can write up to 3000 words daily; however, word count varies based on a project's complexity, scope, and quality.

With us, you can get a money-back guarantee and a plagiarism-free guarantee. The company does not share information about its work with anyone outside. We do not claim any royalties from your work.

The writers on our team are experienced in conducting research and synthesizing it into a book.

A client will receive a draft and a review in a standard ghostwriting package. We are pleased to customize our services as a ghostwriting service to accommodate your personality, schedule, and publishing goals.

Our creative designers are skilled in designing book covers per your requirements and needs.

A full-length book might take 6 months to 12 months. However, we can manage as per your needs.

We give importance to privacy, and our ghostwriters sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with clients.

Yes, but the team takes care of it and gives the book to someone with command over the business topic.